Monday, March 1, 2010


Really another one....this makes 3 in about a year!!! (Car wrecks that is.) So i wasn't in the car but from the police report and what my boyfriend (Matt) can remember ANOTHER person pulled out in front of him and there was nothing he could do. Not only is this the 3 time this has happened this is the 2 car that it has totaled!
The first one was my favorite (car that is) and i wasn't in the car that time either. But what happened is that someone tried to turn left in front of him on THE LAST second! and well goodbye lancer (manual of course!)... she was sooo beautiful too it just was not fair!!!
The second time it was the prelude, manual, sleek, FAST, amazingly sexy prelude! And someone didn't yield to our right of way on 10th and well we t-boned her. She didn't get totaled but i was in the car and it sucked! My neck and back hurt for like 2 days! Well it tore the bumper up pretty well (it actually totally came off with no hope of putting it back on) and the map sensor started going out so we called it a lost cause, saved the insurance money, and sold it.
The third and hopefully last was the s10 of which just happened this last weekend. Once again i was not in the truck but it was bad.
So we had spent the night at a friends house and we had forgotten our toothbrushes so Matt ran home to go get them. Well about a half hour after he left i get a call on my cell phone from a number i didn't know so i answered, it was Matt and his voice sounded all shaky and he said he had been in an accident, the airbags went off, and that i needed to come to Cloverleaf. So he has the car and our friend is on the phone, so i interrupt the friend and tell him, "we need to go, Matt's been in an accident" and he just kind of brushes me off. So i interrupt again, "Matt was almost crying on the phone, the airbags went off, WE NEED TO GO! I'll drive so you can stay on the phone give me the keys." Well needless to say i was speeding and as we were leaving the apartment (about 1 to 2 miles from Cloverleaf) i here sirens, lots of them, so I'm freaking out to be quite honest. We get there and they have Matt on a stretcher and i knew he was ok cause he could remember my number but all reason left my head and i started balling! One of the paramedics sees me and says that Matt's alright and asks who i am. I tell him I'm the gf and he lets me ride in the ambulance. We get to the er and the Dr checks him out takes some x-rays and clears him to leave. And well the truck is totally totaled!!!! Like i can't believe Matt's ok! But he is and once again we are on the hunt for a new (well new to us) car.


  1. NO MORE GETTING INTO CARS for you or your friend. :)

  2. WOW thats scary!! I have never been in an accident and hope to never be in one. good luck on the new car search :)
